Money Mindset: Don’t Get Discouraged!
When you hear people say, ”millionaire by 30,” ”retired at 35,” ”$300k of debt paid of in 4 years,” or ”tripled my income this year,” don’t get discouraged.
Those achievements aren’t my story and they don’t need to be yours either.
My own personal finance story may not make the headlines of a personal finance website and that’s okay. I’m almost 52 years old and still working a 9-5 because I still need to in order to reach the goals I’ve set for myself. I also didn’t have to dig myself out of a mound of consumer debt or student loans.
What I did do was exercise consistent financial discipline over manyyyy years to become completely debt and mortgage free 10 years ago. I’ve met many of the financial goals I set for myself along the way including investing enough money in 529 plans to pay for my two kids’ college educations.
I still have few more to goals to check off my list over the next 4 years including retirement. For now, I am living the quality of life I always wanted to live and am providing the same for my children. My wealth is self-made.
But enough about me because that shouldn’t matter to you! Your story, circumstances and challenges are your own. It’s about setting your goals — big and small — and achieving them. In sharing your story you simply inspire others, whether it WOWs people or not.
It’s not a race. It’s not a contest. It doesn’t need to be a headline. It’s your own personal finance journey. So WOW yourself!