Top 5 Tips For a Financially Healthy Marriage

Marc and I are celebrated our 29th anniversary this summer! During the years we had nothing, as well as the times we’ve had more than enough, we’ve never argued about money. (I know you don’t believe me but it’s true).

Here are my top 5 tips for a financially healthy marriage:
1️⃣ ENVISION YOUR FUTURE TOGETHER. What are the goals, priorities, and lifestyle that you are working towards? Near-term and long-term? These answers are foundational in guiding your joint financial decisions.

2️⃣ USE A WEEKLY ALLOWANCE SYSTEM. Give each other some financial independence! It’s likely you don’t spend your “fun money” on the same things and that’s ok! Just make sure you actually have a little spending money of your own.

3️⃣ DISREGARD WHO MAKES MORE MONEY AND BY HOW MUCH. I know this one is tough for many. I just speak from my own experience. I have always made more money than Marc and it’s never been a subject of discussion. We have always been A TEAM. Don’t use individual income as reason one person has more rights/power/responsibly in your marriage than the other.

4️⃣ ALL ACCOUNTS ARE SHARED. Another highly debated topic. Here’s my honest opinion with the assumption you are in a healthy, happy marriage…You aren’t roommates. Your income, savings, debt, expenses are a shared responsibility. For better or for worse.
This is marriage.

5️⃣ HAVE FULL VISIBILITY TO ALL FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES. It doesn’t matter who has the job of getting the bills paid, making the investment decisions, creating the budget. You both need to know how to perform these tasks, where your money is and how much is there/being spent at all times.

We all know that marriages face a long list of challenges. Put the effort in, get into the right mindset as a team, and take money management matters off that list. ❤️


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