Don’t Hate Your Job
I’ve always been bothered by the message that our employers are some sort of enemy. That many of us are trapped in a situation that leaves us unhappy and unfulfilled because we aren’t self-employed.
I guess every interesting story has to have a “bad guy”, right? Maybe it’s the debt-freeness in me, but I don’t hate my job. I’ve worked for large companies my entire career. Yes, there are high expectations, commitments, pressures, disagreements, frustrations, stress, challenges, mistakes — but I don’t hate my job.
There’s a quote I read recently about forgetting your dreams just because you are working for a salary. I think that’s nonsense. Why can’t the message be that our salaried jobs often enable dreams?
My most important dreams have been a happy healthy marriage, providing for smart, loving, healthy, happy children, having a safe home, getting to do fun things in fun places, and spending lots of time with the people I love.
The quote also refers to salaries as “bribes”. Again, nonsense. I don’t take bribes. But I do take monetary gifts for what I contribute to a company. That’s my compensation. Something I earn with the skills I have.
Unless your dream truly is to be self-employed, forget what the masses say you are “supposed” to believe and feel.
Be weird, and don’t hate your job just for the sake of hating it.