Hey there! I’m Kara, aka “Aunt Kara” on Instagram, and I enjoy discussing all things personal finance!
The purpose of auntkara.com is to share my wisdom and experience with money as a way to encourage others, including my nieces and nephews, to make smart financial decisions and build wealth!
I attribute my debt free, wealth-building lifestyle to my money mindset. With two homes paid off, two 529 college savings accounts fully funded, and annual retirement contributions maxed, my husband Marc and I have built a financially stress-free life for ourselves.
I am a firm believer in living beneath my means, resisting the temptations of “keeping up with the Jones”, focusing on long-term goals, and still having fun along the way. I love to travel – so much so that I learned how to do it at a fraction of the cost. Over the last 8 years, I have saved over $65,000 by earning and redeeming travel program loyalty points – a topic I discuss weekly on my Instagram account.
I live in the Midwest and am a wife of 25 years, a mom of two teenagers, and an aunt of millennials. I have both a Bachelors and Masters degree in IT and am in my 25th year of a career in corporate IT. Although I am not work optional yet, I will get there before the traditional retirement age of 60-65. I love beaches, summer, my family, 80’s music, and my dog, Lucy. Not necessarily in that order!
For questions, requests, and inquiries, head over to my Say Hey form!